help Sump/ refug setup


well i just got a great deal on this 55g tank with an overflow and sump setup and i have 20g long with a sump aswell so i just want to use both sumps for the 55g just cant think of how so i just wanted to get some help from the best am not the best at DIY things so whats the easyest way to use them together
would i have to use both overflows? which i dont want to
so i have
1 tube overflow
1 sump i think 10g

the one that came with the 55g
1 CPR CY-192
1 CPR CS-100

this is the tank

this is the back


Im no expert but if you place one higher than the other you could just drill a hole at the level you want the water in the higher one, insert a bulkhead and run pvc down to the next sump. Gravity is your friend. Then have a pump as usual in the lower one to pump it back up to the tank. Also, why dont you make one a fuge since you have two?


yeah thats what i wanted to do but cant seem to get my head around how or were to put fuge
but on my sump would i have to put a baffle so there could be a good amount of water in the sump like this

the cpr sump already has a bulkhead on the side

or were the skimmer is in the cpr should i put the fuge there but its to narrow it like 2" by 6" the cpr has three chambers and there all small
i dont know

naclh2o nut

Put a bulkhead and short piece of pipe in old set up. Put the two together with the pipe and then use new one as a fuge. use chamber where skimmmer is at in pic. Split your overflow line put in a valve to dail back flow in fuge. Pump in old system will pull water through bilkhead from fuge. Possibly use area in new fuge where bio balls are suposed to go for a small algae scrubber? Since you will use a light in fuge side, just put a small screen down at angle and let water flow over and through. You ask for ideas. That is what my next project is. Adding the same thing to my now existing sump.