Help!, Switching Tanks


This is the deal, I have a 29 gallon and want to put all of its inhabitants into my new 65 gallon tank. This is what I was thinking of doing:
1. Take the 29 gallon down off the homemade stand that the 65 is going to be on.
2. Take most of the water out, move the 29 gallon to the floor.
3. Put the 65 gallon tank on the stand and fill with saltwater and the DSB and Live Rock from the 29 gallon.
4. Let the 65 cycle and then add the other fish, corals, and invertebrates from the 29 gallon.
The last time I cycled my 29 with live rock, and two damsels it cycled in about week. I was thinking that if I took my 65 added the live rock, clownfish from 29, and mixture of live sand to seed the rest of the dead sand, I could cycle in around the same amount of time. Does this sound OK. Suggestions Welcome! Has anyone else done this? :confused:


Active Member
wow, this is where it gets exciting, bigger tanks
i went thtough it too,
what we did, is test the system (with fw
then we added lr(in your case, just the amount extra you will be adding), cycled and cured it, then adde sand, waited for it to settle, then(after it cycled and we did a water change) we added a detrivore kit(then waited 2 weeks) , we then started to move things, (slowly), so not to upset the bio load where the fish still were, saveing the remaining lr and sand for last
others have told us it could be done quicker, but we decided to do it like this, so as to NOT jepordize anything at all, this had provided great success, and did not stress the fish at all, however, it was very difficult to be patient, but since we had the 40 running and were in no hurry to empty it we thought slower, at WORST would not hurt
good luck


bigger tanks, more money!!!
thats how it all started with me too.
It was a dark stormy night
It was a Dark rainy stormy night.
It was Dark and it was raining during a storm.
no, sorry about that, wrong story.
It all started as a birthday present, a 200 dollar 75g tank. that was only three months ago and now I have $1200 invested in it and have a 55g tank on the way. And to top it, off I was at the store today looking at a really nice 125g tank. I think I'm going to need counceling after by next year. I thought haveing a salt water tank would be cheaper than learning how to scuba dive.....boy was I wrong.


I SCUBA as well as keep a tank...I can't even joke about the amount of money i have spent on these two hobbies combined!!!


if i switch from a 110 gal tank to a new 100 gallon tank and use everything from my old tank,sand,lr and water, will it cycle again???
please, any advise.
should i do it all at once or a little at a time. i am switching because old tank is scratched and silicon was just plain ugly. bought it at a cheap price.


Active Member
aaaaaaaaaaaaah no.
you will see some nitrate and nitrite test reading high though.
do not panic. let the new tank settle for 5 or so days. ;)


Crispcritr voiced my question best. Because i am looking to use everything from old 29 in the new 65 gallon tank. So will it recycle or will it just have an ammonia spike for a couple of days? Looking for some GOOD ADVICE on this one. :D


make sure you buy more sand so that it stays deep enough and of course more live rock and any water added should be RO
good luck


tykill, I wouldn't say you were wrong about the cost of scuba. I have been in saltwater for 2 years and I have just started scubadiving so far they have cost about the same only because my dive store gives me a 30 % discount since I am on a fire dept dive team. by th way, scuba is worth it.