Help! Tang has White Spots!


I recently (5 days ago) added a tang to my tank. I have the tang, 1 maroon clown, 1 royal gramma. Plus the assorted snails, shrimps, crabs etc.
The tang this morning had white spots on its side when I turned on the light, about 30 minutes after however, I had checked it again, and almost all of the spots were gone, but it seemed that each place one was a small "spot" was on the tangs side. What do I have? And how do I fix? The other two fish seem fine, water is perfect and has been, everything ok.


They look like little pin heads, but when lights go on they disappear into what looks like the fishs body. The other two fish are fine, no spots, no nothing. All fish have appetites and are doing fine, just can't figure out the spots.


New Member
I am currently having the same thing happen, only it is a clown that I have had for about 3 weeks.
I am positive it is ick and plan to QT/Hypo the whole group. My clown the main issue is letting a CB Shrimp clean him, so at least it is being kept in check whilst I set my QT up.
Anyone reading this and does not hav a qt/Hospital tank, SET ONE UP! Take it from a rookie that is making all of the mistakes.