I have a 42 gallon tank and have had it without incident for a year and a half. I just cleaned the tank today and cleaned the skimmer as well. The tank looks great, the corals look attentive and fine, and the skimmer and all other equipment are working fine. My fish are breathing VERY heavy. My basselet is at the bottom of the tank and struggling. Everything is working fine and I only have the equipment unplugged for maybe 10 minutes today. I did nothing out of the normal to have caused this. I finished by topping it off with reverse osmosis fresh water. I don't want to awake tomorrow to a tank of dead fish. All my levels seem normal. I added calcium today just as I usually do. Nothing was done today to warrant this. I'm just confused b/c I can't find a source to fix this problem. My nitrates and everything are at 0. My water is crytstal clear. I'm thinking Oxygen problem. PLEASE HELP! Thanks.