Help Temp to high or is it


The tank is now all set up, the salinity is at 1.023 which imo is good, but my temp is running at 80 with the lights off, is 80 ok or are we running hot..............


80 is pefect for the fish. My tank is at 80 right now. just make sure it doesnt go up higher than 82 when the lights are on or that could be a prob. but try to get the temp down alittle at night. on my tank the temp is usually 76 at night.
What is the temp in the day? maby you have to much light. <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


I like to keep my tank around 78 whith the lights on. It doesn't drop that much at night. 80 is not bad, but what is it during the day. I would try to get it a couple degrees cooler.


Ok, so the tank has been running for a few days now and without the lights and during the day its at 80/82 I have not checked it at night yet.. If this sounds to high how can i get it lowered. Thanks


I would try to bring it down a couple degrees. Either 78-80 during the day and 76-78 during the night. That will put you right in the middle to be on the safe saide. Have you had any algae blooms? They are sometimes common with higher temps.


No tank has only been up a few days, how can i bring the temp down, i have the heater set at 78/80????????????????


Not to be snoppy or anything <img src="graemlins//mischievous.gif" border="0" alt="[Mischievous]" /> but where do you live? because if you live in a hot area, the temp might be high. Maby you will have to get a chiller for the tank. <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" /> <img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" />

david s

try setting the heater lower if it stays at same temp try unplugin it and watch temp cause the heater thermistat may be stuck or off a few deg


Thanks for the help!!! No need for a chiller up here it will be around 30 tonight,should i just unplug the heater and check the temp in the morning?????????????

david s

if after a few days with heater off temp doesnt come down feel your pump and anthing that is mechanical to find were heat is comin from also how hot your house is but i doubt it that unless u like it 80 hehe ( the heat is being generated somehow u just have to find it if its not your heater wich it probubly is


Thanks for the help David S I just unpluged the heater and will check the temp in the morning,The house temp is only at 70/72 hope it drops!!!!!!!!!


Just make sure it doesnt drop too much. If i were you i'd check it every 3-4 hours and see how it does. <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


i am completely screwed when summer comes the average here is 95 during the day and sometimes over 104 and at night it is around 84. i have a feeling that i am going to lose all my corals during the summer. a chiller is too expensive for me so i hope the fans can keep the temp below 84


hey, fallen email me or check out the diy section for a home made chiller. it uses a small refrig. works great. i used this set up long enough to save up for a chiller. i live in riverside, ca. i too have to watch out for the summer spikes.


Isnt 76-78 a better temp to keep a tank at rather than 80? I've heard that 80 is too hot for a reef tank and that they should be kept no higher than 76. I personally keep my tank at 77.


Two low cost alternatives to a chiller:
1. There is a good DIY project using a small dorm fridge that works good.
2. A room A/C unit near the tank blowing set at about 74 would work too, plus help cool down the room it's in just a touch. Just don't blow the air directly on the tank, as it comes out at 55 degrees.
The DIY project would probably cost about $150 - $200 and the room A/C unit $200 - $300 new, but you can often find them used for a lot less. HTH


Since my family is from Ohio I might have a reason for your high tank temp. If it is 30 out tonight you must have the heater blazing. Is the tank near one of your central heating ducts or even a furnace? If the temp guage is not stuck, this might be a cause.


I live in Tucson Arizona and this will be my first summer with the tank, but we also have A/C.
Anyway, I set my heaters at 77 and 74 (guess they are quirky) because the temp stays right below 80 or at 80 with the lights on and drops maybe one ore two degrees at night. I think the tank is at about 78 in the morning when I turn on the lights.
It is almost always 70-73 degrees in the house.