Help to finish stocking!!!


I have a 125 gal, tank with 1 clown trigger 3-4in, 1 niger trigger 2-3 in, snowflake eel 10-12 in, and 2 damsels. There is no fighting amonst them and they eat extremly well. I feed them all 1 time a day. I have 50-60lb of live rock and other rock. Wet/dry filter, skimmer, 3 power jets, and 2 heaters. The water has had no problems so far. I know I need a tang, either a powder blue, Naso, purple, or achilles. Still havent decided yet on the tang any suggestions, and I want to put a flame angel or a coral beauty angel but there dwarfs so any suggestions on that. Anyother suggestions on finishing the stocking on my tank!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Definitely stay away from the powder blue and the achilles. The powder blue needs a much bigger tank, and the achilles is an extremely hard fish to care for. Either the purple or naso would be much better choices.
I would recommend doing a dwarf angel because of the fact that you have a predator tank and a possibility of high nitrates with the messy eaters, which will not work with the angels. Also, I would be a bit worried with the clown trigger possibly picking on the angel. If you were going to do one anyways though, I would do the flame.


Thanks for the insight I was hoping for the flame. Thats one of my favorite, I think I will put a naso and a flame. Anyother suggestions????


I added a naso tang igger than the trigger, and a yellow tang also bigger than the trigger(clown) so far so good.


New Member
ok ur tank is overstocked already with the niger and clown trigger in there, ur adding fish that need a larger tank like the naso and clown trigger and evenutally that clown trigger WILL KILL EVERYTHING in ur tank, so i would remove him


Active Member
As long as all the fish are still small, he has nothing to worry about for now. The clown trigger will eventually kill everything in his tank if he allows it to grow too large and in need of more space. For now, the fish are fine. He is definitely fully-stocked or right at the edge of being fully-stocked right now with 2 triggers, 2 tangs, 2 damsels, and an eel, but that is not to say that he has to take out the trigger and tang because they will get too large. He may be planning on buying a larger aquarium within a year or two, like I am doing with my current set-up.


Well im am actually about to start a third 125 gallon in the next couple months to put the trigger and maybe a wrasse that I saw that was all green and a couple other aggressive fish probably a queen, or emperor angel also a parrot fish. Basically I will have a aggressive and a community with the tangs and niger. I want the damsels out any suggestions other than killing them(could leave them for the clown trigger to eat later) also I want to throw in som clowns in the community with the tangs and niger. I want a ray, whats the smallest tank one can fit in( the california ray which gets 10 inches max)??? Thanks for the post !!!!


Active Member
Okay, well here is where you run into a few problems. Both a queen trigger and a parrotfish get way too big for a 125, and even keeping them in that size as juvi's will be very tough because that is a small tank for them. Look for other "aggressive" fish that do not need such a large tank and that aren't so nasty.
As far as the damsels, just take them back to your lfs if you do not want them.


Active Member
Oh, and the ray needs a 150-180 gallon just to start. He needs to be kept in a tank with very little live rock so as to give him enough room to move around.


Thanks for the reply lion_crazz really appreciate it, i meant a queen angel.... but thanks though, i dont think I will get another trigger. as for the ray I think Ill just wait untill I build a shark tank!!!! But again thanks again for the insight really appreciate it!!!!


Active Member
All great decisions (both a queen angel, not trigger, and waiting to get a ray). Looks like you are headed for some great tanks! Good luck!!