I have an older top fathom skimmer, I think comparable to the 100A model. I just got a Quiet one 3,000 pump, which is rated for 758 gallons.
Whenever I turn the pump on and tune in the water level with the gate valve on the return to the sump the water level just falls after a minute or two. I have not had any luck adjusting the air-valve either. Any suggestions? The skimmer is currently 1-2 feet above the pump, is it not getting enough pressure? How should the air valve be? open, closed, 50%?
I have checked their website and tried to set it up like they said, but it is not working. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Whenever I turn the pump on and tune in the water level with the gate valve on the return to the sump the water level just falls after a minute or two. I have not had any luck adjusting the air-valve either. Any suggestions? The skimmer is currently 1-2 feet above the pump, is it not getting enough pressure? How should the air valve be? open, closed, 50%?
I have checked their website and tried to set it up like they said, but it is not working. Any help would be greatly appreciated.