HELP!!:Update on ICH not better!


Active Member
It doesn't seam to be getting any better.
I'm out of ideas.
What would you guys do?
Like i said I have a QT, but
To many fish for the QT.
To many Inverts to treat the Display!
HELP :help:


Staff member
Hello, please read the FAQ Thread at the top of the fourm and the post on ich. The procedure is hyposalinity.


Active Member

Originally posted by Dominican
FOWLR? Pull your inverts to the QT and hypo the whole display. Good luck...

I was thinking that, but my only problem is a lot of my inverts are Stars, and I'd hate to disturb them switching tanks, I know the hermits will be ok.
But I guess I'm running out of options


Staff member
You can also get a large rubbermad from the local K/Wal/Mart and set up a QT for the fish. Or use the rubbermaid for the LR and inverts. You'd want to use a rectangular shape rubbermaid with the approximate dimenstion of a tank.


Active Member

Originally posted by Beth
You can also get a large rubbermad from the local K/Wal/Mart and set up a QT for the fish. Or use the rubbermaid for the LR and inverts. You'd want to use a rectangular shape rubbermaid with the approximate dimenstion of a tank.

If I move the inverts to another tank.
Is there the possibility that ICH can be carried over in one of it forms, say on a hermits shell, or on a star fish?


Dunno for sure, but ich can't survive without any fish for the period of time you'll need to have your inverts in the rubbermaid, so moot point I think.. Probably 4 or 5 weeks total to hypo your fish in the main. Like Beth said, check out the FAQ on hyposalinity for details.. I'm in the middle of doing hypo in a QT. Main tank has only inverts...


Active Member
The Reason I ask is I have 1 Green Chomis in my 29gal QT.
He got beaten up pretty badly, I think he hit one someones girl lol!
Anyway I don't want to move the inverts in and give the poor guy ICH.


Staff member
It shouldn't be a problem, but what makes you think the chromis doesn't have the ich? If he was in the same tank as the infected fish.....then......:nope:


Active Member
He's been out for.. i'd say a week or 2 before the Ich Outbreak.
I don't see anything on him.
Especially in his stressed condition of almost being killed, I would assume if there was ich in the QT he'd have it.
He has No tail fin at all. It's just a nub, It's starting to grow back. Open wounds which have since healed. I'm sure Ich would have loved that..
That's still a mystery, I had 3 Chromis who would school, then 3 months later the other 2 are trying to kill him, then the other ones jumped in. I found him near dead floating with no fins left.
I was still a few days shy of my QT cycling again (cuz I wanted to start QTing fish for my 300). So I grabbed a huge net and nabbed him and hung the net inside the tank to shelter the poor guy. When my QT finished I moved him in there...a week or two later ICH in the Main Display.