Help Urgent!!


New Member
About two weeks ago my yellow tang started to show a few white spots on its fins. so i decided to set up a hospital tank. while i was setting it up i fed the fish with food soaked in garlic. every thing seemed to clear up after two days. But, this morning my yellow tang is in a terrible state. it has very fine dusting of spots its fins are ragged and there seems to be red sploges on its body. I have them in the hospital tank. i dont hold much hope for the tang but my to black n white clowns just have the dusting of spots but are feeding and swimming fine.
Can anyone help


Staff member
Careful how you use the word "dusting" when it comes to disease.
Does this dusting appearance seem like white salt like-sized dots sprinkled on fish body or fins? Or is it a finer powder type in appearance, as if the fish have been "dusted" with fine powder. Perhaps a rust color appearance?
If the latter is the case, very tonite...attention will be required. I'll check back in a bit for your answer.


Staff member
Ok: Its getting late & I want to go bed, so let me give you some options
ICK: Appears as salt-sized dot [actually does look like salt] on fins and/or body. Sometimes they will also have a pearly quality to it. Fish symptoms will also likely include scratching agains opjects, darting about the tank, rapid or labored breathing.
This is what you need to do: Good fish are in hospital tank! Over the next 48 hrs gradually reduce the specific gravity [salinity] in small increments to 1.009. Once this lowered salinity is achieved, the ick will begin to die. The fish will not suffer from this; they will actually be relieved. Maintain hyposalinity for 1 mo following the disappearance of disease symptoms from fish.
This treatment is called hyposalinity. If you use our search feature on this BB you will find much info regarding this treatment for ick. While ick will kill your fish, it is not as fast a killer as is saltwater velvet, which is explained below.
Saltwater Velvet or Oodinium: Infestation typically begins in the gills. Damage to the gill tissue stimulates the production of excess mucus, reducing gill efficiency. The outward sign of this is rapid or labored breathing. Other signs are listlessness, lack of activity, loss of appetite, fading colors, and scratching or rubbing on rocks or other surfaces. At first sign of the parasite, the fish is covered with the parasites giving the fish the appearance of a velvet coating on them--as if dusted with powder. As the disease progresses the cysts' stage of the parasite can be seen on the fin membranes and body surfaces as that of the same size and color as table salt. Because Oodinium normally begins in the gills, by the time you see the "dust" on the outside of the fish, the disease has already progressed substantially and rapid treatment is essential to save the fish. In the advanced stages, sometimes it may be too late save the fish. Most times Oodinium is also related to secondary bacterial or fungal infections that show as symptoms of red frayed fins, fin rot, and gray cloudy eyes.
To treat oodinium, use copper sulfate. You will need a copper test kit. Use the search feature on this BB to read TerryB's thread on Amyloodinium. There is also info about these disease on's home page under Hobbyist Info.
Good luck!
[ November 28, 2001: Message edited by: Beth ]


New Member
Thanks for the great input. reduced the salinity as you said, only got one fish left now one clown, he does seem to moving around a little like his old self. if he does or doesn't survive would it still be advisable to leave the tank for a 4-5 weeks?
These are the first fish i have lost since starting last Febuary not just one but 4 out of 5 and i'm gutted. But i hope it makes me better prepared in the future.
Many Thanks