Help w/Readings & Kalk Water


Hi All,
75 gal reef tank
Here are my current readings:
PH 8.1
Ammonia: 0
Calcium: 390
Alkalinity: 5.0
Nitrate: 15ppm
Phosphate: 0.6
Nitrite: less than .22
I need to lower my Nitrates (just added a small HO fuge w/some macro-algae, LR, LS--any other suggestions?)
Want to lower my Phosphates---am running Phos Remover in my Fluval.
Want to boost my Calcium (am adding 2 capfuls of Kent Liquid Calcium per day)
Also want to boost PH--
Have an aquadose coming tomorrow w/Kalk-Water---how much should I add???
Do 5 gal water changes per week.


I'd get your alk up to 8 - 10
I'm not familiar with your doser but just set your drip to the rate of your evaporation (makeup water).


Wait a second. He means a dkh of 8-11, not alk in meq/L. If you have a 5.0 meq/L that is like a 14 dkh and you actually need to bring your alk down. Which makes more sense because your calcium is low. To lower your alk, raise your calc.


no--i mean meq/l 10 drops before my water turned yellow--
Will Kalk water help w/all of this? & My ph is low---should I begin to use buffer. I am adding 2 capfuls of Kent Liquid Ca every day.


Originally Posted by Rainfishy
Wait a second. He means a dkh of 8-11, not alk in meq/L. If you have a 5.0 meq/L that is like a 14 dkh and you actually need to bring your alk down. Which makes more sense because your calcium is low. To lower your alk, raise your calc.
Oops, my bad. I guess I didn't clarify that.


Don't woory about your PH right now, it's ok. Consentrate on getting your alk and calc in line. Do you do weekly water changes? What kind of salt are you using? Regular water changes with a salt that has optimal calcium levels should give you a better calc than 390 unless you have a lot of corals. The below thread can provide a lot more info on dripping kalk than I can. I would also suggest looking in the archives for the threads about alk/calc/PH
Good Luck


How can I get my Alk/Cal better?
I am doing weekly changes--5 gal on 75gal tank. If i skip a week i do 10gal. I'm using premixed saltwater I buy in 5gal jugs from *****.