help w/ the first coral


New Member
Hello everyone!
I got my 40gallons tank of salt water for 2 months, 2 blue tangs and 1 yellow tangs. The tank is set up for the coral and i do have the coral light. I brought the water to the fish guy and was told that everything is fine after being tested so i bought 2 tomato clowns fish and 1 coral which was in green color and look like a human hand. I knew I suppose to acclimate it in a certain time but i was in hurry so i only let all of those float in my tank about 5 minutes and then i pour everything in the tank. Next day i woke up and one of my clown fish *passed* away =( even though it looked very lively but the other is still okay. Today is the third day and the fish still okay but i see the coral ( which is w/ the hand shape) look a little bit bad and i can see one of its branch kind of fall down and it looked like a broken hand at one branch. I just wonder if it is normal or something wrong with that and if it is dying, is there any way i can save it or how do i know that coral is whether good in your tank or dying?
Thanks for reading my long mesg.


Sorry, but I have some bad news.
1. 40 gallons is WAY too small for any tangs. Get those out of there and take them back to the store. Also, you should NEVER put three tangs in a tank smaller than 100 gallons. The clownfish is fine. I wouldn't put any fish in there longer than four or five inches, and if you go with one that big, you shouldn't have any other fish longer than maybe 2 inches.
2. Acclimation is VERY important, as you found out with your dead tomato clown. Take your time, and if you're in a hurry, then pay for the fish at the store and let them keep it until you have time to properly acclimate it. Here's a good video on acclimation:
3. It sounds like your coral is dying. Without knowing exactly what kind of coral it is, and without knowing your tank setup, I can't say exactly what happened, but it was probably because of impoper acclimation.
Sorry you had to learn the hard way. Bottom line, you need to get those tangs out of that tank.


Active Member
any idea what coral it is? it sounds like some kind of a leather? if it is, they r pretty hardy. is the coral turning color? need more info. the coral might come back if its leather. i had one a while back that had brown jelly infection. i took it out and vut off the bad part and now is thriving.


Picture please?
1. Never buy anything for a tank before researching it
2. Like rldavisou said, acclimation is huge
3. Never pour the entire content of a bag into the tank, net the creature . You never know whats in the water and dont really wanna mix the different stuff.
4. Ya the tangs are a little much for 40g, they may seem fine now but will grow and eventually join the clown
Good luck with it tho