Help...... Water leak


Active Member
A little info... I have a 55g tank with a 10g refug. I added the refug about 4-days ago, it was a wet/dry sump.
Today around 11:00am I check on the water level and all was fine. I got home from work around 5:30pm and I lost about 2g out of the refug. I filled it back up to find the leak but I can not locate it and it is now holding the water level. The leak had to come from the refug itself because of the way the water markings were.
Any ideas


Active Member
Drain your fuge, and water test it. It is the only sure way to tell if it is leaking, or it could be from you overflow system, is it internal or external?


Active Member
Thanks broncofish, it was internal. All I could think of is that one of the seems sprung a leak and after the water level went below where it was leaking it semi-sealed back up. I drained it to the point it was and silicon the seems. I hope this works?


Active Member
P.S. What do you mean by a "water test". Is that filling the sump up and letting it sit to see if it leaks or something different.


Active Member
Yeah thats all I mean is filling it up, and then letting it sit. I usually put a paperbag underneath so that way I can see the first part that gets wet.