Help! What are these white specs?


New Member
I have a 24 gal JBJ nano that has been cycling for two weeks now and I am seeing white specs crawl on the glass and floating in the aquarium. This happend three days after my diatom bloom. What are these specs crawling around? Should I introduce a clean up crew right now? My readings are...
Ph 8.4 ppm
Amm 0 ppm
Nitrite 0 ppm
Nitrate 20 ppm
any help would be great.


New Member
yes, Fiji was cured, it was in there for 5 days. Then I got tonga uncured, there for a week. I got uncured because i'm cycling my tank anyway right?


Originally Posted by kobain06
yes, Fiji was cured, it was in there for 5 days. Then I got tonga uncured, there for a week. I got uncured because i'm cycling my tank anyway right?
Well if your fiji was cured and your tonga is uncured in the same tank, that is why your pods are "running for the hills" I would keep a VERY close eye on your ammonia or you are going to kill all of the stuff on your fiji. It is easier to just take out the tonga and cure it seperately.


I am impressed with you water quality, but since the tank is so new, it probably hasn't gotten into the cycle enough yet for the ammonia or nitrite to start spiking. The little white guys are probably copepods. I usually see them come out at night on the rock and sand. They won't hurt anything, and once your tank has cycled long enough to develop a large copepod population, you can get a green mandarin dragonet, which feeds on those guys.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mattp098
I am impressed with you water quality, but since the tank is so new, it probably hasn't gotten into the cycle enough yet for the ammonia or nitrite to start spiking. The little white guys are probably copepods. I usually see them come out at night on the rock and sand. They won't hurt anything, and once your tank has cycled long enough to develop a large copepod population, you can get a green mandarin dragonet, which feeds on those guys.

green mandarin dragonet will need supplemental feeding in a tank this size. He may or may not eat anything else, so putting this fish in this size tank is possibly a death sentance for it.