Help! What is this in my tank?


It wasn't there last night but this morning on my pump thingy (the black tube that goes down in the tank) I noticed a lot of tiny little brown things. They look like tiny brown little pieces or chips of rice. What the H*LL is it?? If it's bad, I'm gonna take that thing apart and scrub the h*ll out of it. If it's good stuff, please let me know so I don't get rid of it...
Confused <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />


.I have no idea what it is, but my post should move you back to the top and hopefully someone else will look and know the answer.


Never mind! I took it out and scrubbed it off in really hot water. Whatever it was, it's gone!

nm reef

Active Member
Sounds like they may have been copepods/amphipods....if they were they are good things to have in your system...some folks even pay to get them from a couple of sources...they provide service to a functioning DSB/provide food to reef creatures/provide desired diversity to the system......hope that ain't what you washed away.....*_^


Nope, they didn't look like that. They were scattered, all in different places. I still say they looked like pieces of broken up brown rice. I wish I had a pic but I don't..