Help! Whats happening?


I just started up a new tank about 10 weeks ago, used alot of stuff from my old tank. Everything was doing fine for a couple of weeks when all of a sudden I was missing my Coral Beauty which had been acting fine, its been gone about 4 weeks now, never did find it, dont know if it jumped out of the tank since I have an open top, my tank has an overflow in it but its not possible for the fish to get into it since it has a cover over the back of the overflow, its a corner tank. About a week or 2 later I came up missing one of my clown fish, he started hiding some and had a pale white color on his sides, it wasnt spots or anything just a real big area on both his sides, I never did find him either. About another week later my other clownfish did the same thing but I found him stuck to a powerhead as he was dying. I only have 1 fish left which is a yellow watchman goby that Ive had for 4 years and it came from my other tank. He has been very white all over and has several large black spots on his body and around his eyes look black, he has been like this for a few weeks but acts as healthy as ever.
In the tank I have a clean up crew consisting of blue and scarlet hermits, snails, a couple of cleaner clams, and 3 emerald crabs that I see fromt ime to time, hey are all doing fine, they have been in the tank for about 8 weeks. I also have a brittle star from my old tank which is getting huge. Tanks water parameters have been excellent, I test each day.
I have 2 scenarios I think might be the issue.
Brittle star attacking fish but I dont believe this is the case, never witnessed it.
I work Nightshift and have the room darkened out so the tank remains very dark about 16 hours a day, I have my lights set to run at 8 hrs a day, it is a 400 watt MH 14000K pendant.
This may also be a disease but I havent heard of it before. Hard to get a picture as the yellow watchman hides most of the time, but as I said he is very white almost the color of the sand, and has a few large black spots on his body and around his eyes, but no change in behavior and he has been like this for a few weeks.
Any ideas?