Help! Whats wrong?


I just got this clown yesterday. I looked great and very active in the store. I got him home and aclimateded him for an hour and a half. He's just been swimming at the top of the tank in the same place on his side. He does eat when I feed. Anybody know whats going on? Pic below. Thanks


Active Member
What are your water parameters and how long has the tank been up? Do you have any powerheads in there? Looks like there's no surface movement. :D


the water parameters are all fine I did a test before adding the fish. I do have a powerhead in there. The tank is a JBJ 12 Nano cube. The tank has been up and going for a little over a month.


Active Member

Originally posted by lmlwsp
the water parameters are all fine I did a test before adding the fish. I do have a powerhead in there. The tank is a JBJ 12 Nano cube. The tank has been up and going for a little over a month.

Sorry, but we need exact parameter readings to help you out. A little over a month is to early to be adding fish, this is why we need to know the water parameters. :D


temp 80
ammonia 0
nitrite .1
ph 8.2
nitrate 0
calcium 380
s. gravity 1.022
alkalinity I couldnt get a reading on this. I am using a salifert test. It never changed color for me. Could this be the problem? I added 1/8 teaspoon of reef builder (raises Carbonate Alkalinity) by Seachem.


Active Member
You're still showing nitrites..... it has to be 0. The temp. is good, I'd raise the specific gravity to 1.025. I'd kick the calcium up a bit also. The problem is you added the clown to early..... it's stressed. I hope it pulls through. :D


Actually this is sort of common. Let me guess he is very close to where you released him isn't he?
Right now he is just wondering what happend to his world, give him time and he may come around.
Couple of things though:
How did you challenge your cycle and are you sure you went through one?
Did you do a water change after you cycled the tank?


Yes my tank cycled. It did it very fast. I have done water changes. I do 10% every week. I do have a goby in there and some corals. Everything else is doing fine.


Active Member
I'm really glad to hear everything else is okay... and I really hope Thomas is right. I just want you to be aware that having a nitrite reading with fish in there isn't a good thing. :D


nitrites are now 0. cal is up to 400, PH has dropped. I still cant get the alkalinity up. SP is up tp 1.023 He does seem to be moving a little more, but is staying up of the tank at the waterline.