Originally Posted by Oceanist
MY Wife used WINDEX to clean the outside glass what should i do , will it be ok , its cyceling right now , no fish , 9 days into cycle , Im sooooooo pissed
I have a 13 year old daughter and a husband that are responsible for cleaning over 30 windows in my house EVERY weekend.
When it comes to the fishtanks, that is my chore. If my daughter decides to go 'above the call of duty' and does the fishtanks, I have pre-wet wipes that are used only on the glass on the tanks and absolutely no place else.
She knows better. I've lost my faire share of fish learning how to handle these tanks, and believe me no on in this house is going to mess with the tanks because they all want to blame me when something dies. Believe me, they are eager to point the finger at me when something goes wrong.
He!!, I got blamed this morning because my husband's Durango car window suddenly quit. He left it at home today and took my Corvette to work. Guess who is going to work on the window and have it done BEFORE he gets home? Yours truly! There is nothing better than telling my hubby I fixed it and you owe me a big apology for acting like a donkey! After all, I fixed the problem I probably didn't even do. Life is just too short to argue about something so stupid.
So do yourself a favor, kiss your wife and apologize because the typical male ego can't handle it when a woman takes matters into their own hands. Trust me on this one. My husband has said on more than one accassion he wished I didn't know so darn much about cars, lawns and other typical 'male' issues or chores.
If you don't, she may just decide to take over handling the tank or get her own tank and she may do a better job at it. Could your ego handle it? Let it go. Mistakes happen. No real harm was done and now you know how to prevent a problem from happening.
Kiss her, tell her you love her and you know she meant well. Then take her shopping and buy her a nice 1/2 carat because Lord knows, you probably spent that much on your tank and she didn't say a word about it.
Denise M. (who should own the Hope Diamond, if it wasn't cursed)