Help with 75 gallon stocking list please


New Member
Hi everyone I am new to the hobby and would greatly appreciate some feedback on my proposed stocking list and order of introductions. Thank you very much in advance!
I have a 75 gallon tank with 1 inch LS bed and approx. 70lbs LR. No sump as of yet and not sure if I can add one as the tank isn't drilled. 2 power heads both 850gph two HOB filters one Emperor 400 and one Bio Wheel 350 which I plan on switching over to run my QT. I am also interested in adding a skimmer and any recommendations would be appreciated.

Tank has been running with the sand and about 50lbs live rock from my previous 55 gallon tank and another 20lbs LR arrives tomorrow from Live Aquaria and will be added. I will wait a few weeks test the water and then add a variety of snails as CUC and hopefully some shrimp at the same time. Can I have 2 peppermints and one or maybe two skunk cleaners or is that too many? Fish wish list is as follows:

1 Green Clown Goby and 1 either Citrinis or Yellow Clown Goby if I can have both. If not just the green
1 Bicolor Blenny
1 Clown I am still undecided between Ocellaris, Percula or Black and White Ocellaris
1 Black Cap Basslet
1 Yellow Tail or Azure Damsel
1 Dwarf Angel either Coral Beauty or Flame or Lemonpeel still undecided there too
1 Kole Eye Tang maybe and after waiting at least 6 months

Would this be considered too many fish? Also is it possible to quarantine them in small groups- possibly the goby or gobies with the blenny and clown first and then the basslet and damsel followed by the dwarf angel singularly?
Not planning any corals to start maybe a few easier ones in several months.

Thank you again


Well-Known Member
Damsels can be dicks lol my yellow tail is fine but this is an exception to the rule. I would go with a pair of clowns. other than that your list looks good


Definitely add a skimmer if it fits, I find it's really helpful filtration but of course isn't necessary.

I think maybe 2-3 shrimps would be fine :) and I think mixing those species together is fine it's just a Boxer shrimp which won't mix

I reckon list is fine but swap damsel for another clown to get a pair