So I ordered the aquafuge through my LSF and the order is still in process and I could cancel it and just now I found this other aquafuge for half it's price, but I wanted to know your opinions on it first.
EcoSystem 40 Pro Series Hang on Back Wet/Dry Filter System Refugium with Bak-Pak Protein Skimmer. It sells for about $320 and I could get it for $180.
Is it better? I mean with the skimmer I would assume so, but what do you guys think? Should I get this one instead
EcoSystem 40 Pro Series Hang on Back Wet/Dry Filter System Refugium with Bak-Pak Protein Skimmer. It sells for about $320 and I could get it for $180.
Is it better? I mean with the skimmer I would assume so, but what do you guys think? Should I get this one instead