Help with a new 55 Gallon FOWLR setup


I have a 55 gallon glass aquarium and I have a heater, a Aqua clear 70 HOB power filter, a Aquaclear 70 Powerhead rated at 400 gph, and a Sea Clone 100 protien skimmer. I have added my substrate my saltwater and 10 pounds of LR( my LFS said to buy more every month but this would be enough to start off with). I have had my filter, powerhead, heater and protien skimmer all running for 3 days. All my water level seem to be ok. The questions I have are:
1. Is my setup OK?
2. With my current set up should I be able to cycle the aquarium with just this alone?]
3. On my Live Rock there is a white film around it and i want to make sure its not harmful(I can post pics if needed)?
4. I'm using tap water and before adding my salt im using a water conditioner called Aqua plus. Is this alright or should I buy a RO unit?
Thanks for any help that can be given.


Active Member
Sounds like you're off to a good start. You'll need to keep you bio load down until you have more LR.
What you're seeing on you LR could be die-off or some sort of diatoms.
I think you'd be better off with an R/O unit in the long run rather than a conditioner. The conditioner will remove chlorine/chloromine but will have no effect on phosphates, silicates, other minerals that are in your tap water. You'd be adding algea food.
You can/and already are, starting your cycle. Different people disagree on the best cycling method. There are live additives you can get from your LFS that have very high bacteria populations that provide nitrifying bacteria immediately. I tried it recently with a FW tank and was very impressed with the results. That would be my recommendation.
Add the live bacteria, give it a couple of days. Add one fish (hardy one) and start taking your readings. When ammonia and nitrite both read zero for at least 5 consecutive days then I would start slowly adding more livestock. While you're waiting its a good time to research for compatability with other fish and your tank size.
Good Luck!


Active Member
I would use RO water , not tap if at all possible. You can buy filtered water at Walmart, many aquarium stores sell it, or you can use water filling stations. As for cycling with 10 pounds of live rock I don't think it is enough if that is what your method will be. If you will be adding more rock over time maybe wait to add fish until you have at least 25-30 pounds of rock with no ammonia or nitrite showing after being in the tank for a week. I have cycled with cured live rock in all my tanks but added a substantial amount intially so that I would get some a decent bacteria population going. Hopefully you will get lots of opinions since mine may be wrong.