help with a struggling clownfish


Hi everyone,
So a few days ago my gf decided that she wanted to pick up a new fish for our tank on her way home from work... (without telling me). So she arrived with a small clownfish that looks to be wild (very deep orange coloring ?). I acclimated the fish for about 2.5 hours using the drip method and introduced him to the tank shortly after.
Here in lies the problem he stays hidden in the back of the aquarium all hours of the day and seems to just float near the glass staring at his reflection, and he appears to be panting (breathing heavily). It has been 2 days like this and I have yet to see him eat during feeding time (my chromis and inverts all responding perfectly to feedings.) I'm just curious what I should do?
water params:
ph: 8.2-8.4
nitrite: 0
ammonia: 0
nitrate: near 0
calcium: 350+
alk: 9.8
food over the past 2-3 days put in tank:
bloodworms (frozen)
mysis shrimp (frozen)
krill (freeze dried)
all small servings and the chromis loved everything and clownfish ate nothing from what i can tell.
I called the local fs and they said they can't take him back or give me a refund so he's SOL unless i can save him in his current surroundings and I really hate the idea of killing a fish so hopefully i can turn this around.
thanks in advance


Active Member
give it a day or 2 also it might b scared of u step away from the tank and c if he comes out thats my opinion


Try soaking his food in fresh garlic juice
. It helps their immune system plus is suppose to get them to fish have aways been little pigs so I don't have experience with them not eating, but the garlic is suppose to help. Worth a try, I soak all their food in it now just as a preventative. Good luck


The garlic is a good suggestion. I wouldnt be too worried about it. Its not uncommon for a fish to not eat several days after being introduced to the tank.


do you have a ultra strong light? when i got my clowns they refused to eat or swim around, always stay in a cave. because i switch them from PC to MH