Help with Alk & Mag Water Readings


I had my water tested at my lfs today. The Alk was 8.0, Caclium 400, and Mag 1140. If I understand correctly, these are all a little low. Can someone tell what specifically to buy to increase these. I'm planing an order with SWF tomorrow so I'd like products they carry if possible. Thanks for help, I get confused when it comes to Calcium, Mag, and Alk. i don't want to screw anything up.


Active Member
Those aren't low numbers. What are you trying to keep? Regardless of what you're keeping ie clams/corals/etc those are very good numbers. If you are just keeping fish those numbers don't really matter.


Active Member
Your levels are ok, but if you want them up.. the question I have is...What kind of salt do you use...I raised my levels just by switching to reef crystals.


I use Oceanic salt and do every other week water changes. I have a 46 gallon tank and have 4 or 5 corals along with fish. My lfs said my numbers were a little low. You really think I shouldn't dose?


Active Member
Before dosing, you might try reef crystals, it has more calcium,mag, etc. But a calcium of 400 is not bad. ideally levels should be 400-450, anything over/around 500 is too high. and alkalinity should be between 2.5-3.5 meq/L (7-10 dKH).


Hmmm, I use reef crystals and get pretty much the same readings or worse on my freshly mixed water. The calcium and alk are OK but the magnesium needs to be up a little. You will also find that if you put your mag up around 1300 your other numbers might increase also.


Active Member
Hmmm, jetski, I guess every tank is different..
However, I am curious as to what kind of substrate you have jw? Some have a mix of crushed coral, etc. This slowly adds calcium to the tank, helps maintain ph, etc. etc.
Oh and jw it is my understanding, someone will correct me if i am wrong, that calcium and alkalinity go hand in hand. if you raise one the other drops... and magnesium helps to stabilize them both.


Originally Posted by luvmyreef
just watch your levels....
mag o.d.= bad

Actually, I'm running mine at about 1750 to 1800 with no side effects. Plus since you have to add a ton of magnesium to get the numbers up its really hard to overdose. It took 2 1/2 cups to make my 120 budge 100 ppm at a time. But as always you should never dose anything you are not testing for.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jackri
Those aren't low numbers.
well. i think the calcium could be a little higher. 450 would be a goal to shoot for. but true they aren't necessarily low, just not optimal.
as for raising...a calcium reactor with a digitle ph probe and controller would be the simplest way, but i aint gonna lie, expencive. phprobe 80-120$ controller 350-450, reactor 350-900(a big gap some are more expencive, but that is a ball park figure for a middle ground. so as you can see, its really expencive to initial set up, but long term rewards are worth it. i would recomend doing it a little at a time. thats what im doing. and in about 6 weeks i should have all the peices needed to assemble my nice reactor setup.


Active Member
Natural saltwater is 380-450ppm. Why dose if you're well within limits? Most people would kill for your levels. My .02 is your stressing over nothing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by luvmyreef
and alkalinity should be between 2.5-3.5 meq/L (7-10 dKH).
natural sea water is 2.5
i personally was at 4.5 but I upped the calcium to 450 and my alk dropped to 4.0
you can go as high as 5.0 and still be ok.
so realisticly 2.5-5.0
not 3.5
Im using SeaChem Reef salt, and its given me pretty good parameters all around.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by luvmyreef
my sediments exactly. Her levels are good!
lol, sediments?
The main question that no one has asked yet... What are you keeping in your aquarium? If you have LPS and SPS corals, then you are a little on the low side. If you are trying to grow coralline algae everywhere, you could do with a little extra.
If you just have fish and some softies, then it's nothing to worry about unless your alk drops below 8dKH.