help with angel Fish


New Member
I have had a blueand yellow bi-color Angel for about a week. He has adapted to my tank great unti l noticedsomething weirdtoday. He has one blac eye and the other seems to have truned kind of blue. I wonder if he has a parasite or if maybe he has injured it.
One weird thing I have noticed about him is that he swims down to my crabs and lays sideways and rubs his body on them. But earlier I notced one ofthecrabs grabbed him and he had to fight to get away.
What is up with this ?Is this normal behavior ? Could this be what is wrong with his eye ?!!!
HELP !!!!!!!!


Active Member
Definitely not normal behavior. I would ask in the disease forum just to make sure that everything's ok, and see if anyone knows anything.


Active Member
The rubbing sounds like it could have some sort of parasite beginning to form, meanwhile, it sounds like the crabs are trying to grab the angel out of aggression as well. The parasite and the eye problem could possibly be related. There may be something in the tank or the water itself stressing your fish out. What is your pH, nitrates, temp., and SG?

keith gray

I have tested nitrates, nitrites, ph, salt level, etc. I have 2 perculas, 1 yellow tang, 2 angel fish, 2 damsels, 1 anenome, and 3 carbs. Everything else seems to be happy and healthy as can be. Should I take him out or see if he gets any better


first off you have too many fish. him rubbing himself on the crabs could be considered a sign of aggression towards them. the one eye that looks like it turned blue could possibly be cloudy eye. bicolor angels are hit or miss. they either do very well or not at all. how old is your tank could also be another concern because they need a mature tank(9+ months).


Active Member
i think i posted already in this thread but i believe beth did too unless this is the second exact thread.. i didnt know about the disease aspect of the eye, but i have seen and researched the laying flat actions. he never mentioned rubbing against rocks or inanimate objects, like say if it had a parasite or some disease, he mentioned the laying flat in front of a crab. for one ive read and seen personally fish do this as a result of an organism entering their "territory" from what i have read the laying flat and rubbing against something like a crab or another fish is an act of aggression because they are getting too close to their established territory.. it is not always a prevelant behavior but it is also not something to get alarmed about.....IMO, i could be wrong but just look for anymore disease related symptoms before you start to treat for one...


New Member
The angel could be looking for a cleaner station to care for his eye. He may think the crabs will help.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Atlantis
The angel could be looking for a cleaner station to care for his eye. He may think the crabs will help.
another good point....


Originally Posted by Atlantis
The angel could be looking for a cleaner station to care for his eye. He may think the crabs will help.
very unlikely though. fish in general are attracted to the shrimps and cleaner fish because of their coloring. i've never seen a crab that most people get at the lfs have anything remotely the same color as these parasite cleaning crew.

keith gray

Someone told me that it could just be a bacterial infection and I could treat it with
from the LFS - some antibiotic like Erythromycin. They said if it was aprasitic it would look more like ick. I am just afraid of this spreading to my other fish
. I do not want to set up a hospital tank either. They all seem to be getting along and my crabs were there before I introduced my Angel so I do not know if it is territorial or not but I have lots of live rock which the Angel seems to love.

keith gray

My tank is about 8-9 months old and is a 65 gallon. Do you really think this is too many ? My water levels seem to do fine, I do not plan on adding any more. If this is cloudy eye can I just use an antibiotic ? I am afraid of hurting my other fish or screwing up my water I have worked so hard to keep right with water changes, etc.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Keith Gray
My tank is about 8-9 months old and is a 65 gallon. Do you really think this is too many ? My water levels seem to do fine, I do not plan on adding any more. If this is cloudy eye can I just use an antibiotic ? I am afraid of hurting my other fish or screwing up my water I have worked so hard to keep right with water changes, etc.
well i hate to be the one who is going to bring this up again, time and time again, a 65 gallon is entirely too small for a yellow.....


it very well could be a bacterial infection, that's what cloudy eye is. i would post this on the disease and treatment section.