Help with Biocube 8


New Member
I have an 8 gallon biocube and i have a decent size colony of green star polyps in it (like 7 inches across) i also have a ricordea in there thats just massize in my opinion. its like a snuff can size around. i want to put other coral in there but dont want anything to sting other corals? im not sure if the gsp will sting other corals as they slowly attempt tank domination in there but what are some good ideas? i hear mushrooms just over take tanks like the star polyps and xenia are the same. thanks
I have recently started a 12 gallon nano cube and i am planning zoas, mushrooms, leathers, gsp, and any other soft corals i can find
Good luck(and in my opinion mushrooms dont takeover as often a xenia and gsp!


Active Member
I would worry about the GSP stinging other corals, but it can take over the tank like weeds
I hhave a small mat that i glued to my back wall in my nanocube that was prolly 2"x1" and now it has spread all on the wall and prolly now is like 7"x6"