help with bubble algae


Active Member
for the past two months or so there has been one bubble of bubble algae growing in my tank...i purchases four emerald crabs since then and none of them want to eat the darn bubble algae....the bubble is prolly a half an inch or so large...could this be too big for the emerald crabs? is there any other ways of getting rid of the stuff?


I have heard that the emeralds will eat the smaller bubble algae. One that is that size I would remove it by hand. Keep the emerald crabs cause they will egt rid of any of the smaller one.


Active Member
itis attached to a piece of lr though...i don't think i would be able to remove it without bursting it...


Not sure if this would work but maybe someone else will know. If the emerald crabs will eat the smaller ones, so if you broke the bigger one right then wouldn't it be eaten. It would just take longer than usual? Just a though tho. Never heard or done it but maybe someone else would have an input on my idea.


I'm having a problem with bubble algae also. I wouldn't be able to take out the rock to remove them cause I would have to take every rock out to do it. Is there anything other than emerald crabs that will eat them?


Active Member
a few times i`ve had to brake them to get them out, but i do it as i am syphoning(sp??) water out for my water change and i syphone the spores and its skin out at the same time ... works for me !!!