Help with clean up crew


I have a ten gall tank. It's not very big therefore I cannot put more than two fishes in it, and I already have a damsel and a sebae clown.
Can anyone help me to decide what to get for a clean up crew? I was thinking about a cleaner shrimp, a crab, and if possible fire fish or gobies. No snails is allowed, :D , I hate when they stick on the glass, it's just annoying. So could anyone please help, I'm planning to get the crew this Thursday, because that's when my Ifs (as many people say, can anyone explain why people use Ifs?) restock their fishes. So I need your help.


Active Member
firefish and gobies are fish, and really aren't part of a clean up crew
iy you don't want to see snails, get some small ones for detritus or crabs, nassarius are good and small too, but you wnat small stars, mini brittle and micro stars, mysid shrimp and copepods and amphipods too, the problem you are going to have, is the fact that the fish in our tank, will probably eat most or all of your clean up crew before they can get established
good luck and HTH
actually it is LFS, just abbreviated for local fish store(saves typing)


Active Member
Your limiting your self by not using snails. They are some of the best cleaners.


Wow... 10gal tank is rally small especially with territorial fishes like yours. I am wondering about putting a shrimp there because it's going to crowd your tank a little. I agree with the post above: snails will help you quite a bit with any allergy - they are not bad. Maybe a couple of crabs (make sure that you provide empty shells for their growth) or a serpent star is good too. ;)