Help with cleaning


Hi everyone. Have a 90 gal FOWLR. Kind of neglected for the last year but I have been cleaning it up and it has been looking really nice. Here is my question. My 90 goes to a 25 gallon sump in my stand, which houses my protein skimmer, heater, some sand and a couple pieces of LR ( I see hundreds of pods living in there) anyway I got a lot of the hair algae (I'm guessing) that was attached to my back glass and power heads. But I still have "dust" (for lack of better words) on a lot of the LR. I don really have any means of mechanical removal of this debris. What are my options? I was thinking buying a canister filter, and only running it when I blow everything off with the power head while the water is cloudy with everything. Any thoughts?

mr. limpid

Active Member
Hermits eat ditrus, or suck out as much as you can while changing water. Are you the person with tube worms then they are gone? If so you have your answer you are cleaning up your tank so the food source the worms were living on has gone.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Like I said worms are not a good choice for a home system, they require a lot of free floating food which will follow the tank for other creatures and the worms them self.

mr. limpid

Active Member
I figured that, they are hitch hikers that came out of your LR. They will come and go depending on the conditions of your tank.