:sleepy: I bought two percs from saltwater.com I got them friday. They where both swimmimg like crazy until yesturday. THey shipped me a light orange clown and one that was darker I assumed they where male and female. We introduced a frogspawn coral and they started staying on opp, sides of tank. Then I noticed last night that the light one was hovering at top and did not eat. This mourning under the blue lighting I could see a film on the light colored one. It appears to white. I am concerned about mariene velvet. I took the light one out but I noticed that the other one scratched on substrate near frogspawn. no signs of disease, but he is not swimming as much. Thats what the other one did. So should I remove him as well. We did not have any fish in our tank before we got our order Friday. Water test good FLame angel, bicolor blenny and sixline all doing well. we bought them with a cleaner shimp. What advice does anyone have?