Help with college course load?


Well-Known Member
Many of you know im in college to be a biology teacher. I have some classes coming up that i need to make a decision on.
Next semester ill be taking the folowing:
plant diversity (botany)
animal diversity
animal diversity lab
cell biology
curriculum (observations)
thats not going to be particularly difficult besides cell biology. I feel like i can manage this course load pretty easily.
The followin semester will be:
genetics lab
block 1 curriculum classes (3)
this is what i am worried about. Ecology and genetics seems like two heavy classes back to back.
the next set of classes is all curriculum and it is basically student teaching. There is 26 hours of classes for teaching. I have two spots available to take two of the biology courses from the previous lists.
For any of you who have taken these particular kinds of classes, let me know if you found some more difficult than others. I have no pre-req's for any of these classes besides my curriculum classes, so if someone has some suggestions for mixing and matching these courses to even out the course load i would greatly appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
I know there are a few college grads on these forums. I know novahobbies was a biology major. Just waiting for whoever to say something


Well-Known Member
Many students find genetics to be challenging because of the math/statistics involved. Also, there is usually homework (working those math/statistics problems). Students taking ecology are frequently stunned to find out that it is a science, and not necessarily all about finding a tree to hug. Once they come to that realization they generally don't find ecology too difficult.


Well-Known Member
I got through calculus and have a B in chemistry. Im sure genetics equations (like Hardy-Weinburg) arent that diffiult once you understand the concepts, right?
I never thought ecology was about hugging trees. Lol. Is it in general a mid-level effort class?
I am trying to see how many years of school i have left and from what i am seeing right now i will have three semesters left of i am calculating correctly.
Any classes on my list just down right diffiult or boring?


Well-Known Member
Im kinda trying to figure out which two biology courses i should take while student teaching. I dont want something way too difficult while i have a "full time job" teaching classes.


Well-Known Member
It seems to me that the sequence in your original post should work well. Cell biology and genetics are split, which is a good thing. The two diversity courses (animal and plant) are together, which should make each one easier since they will cross-fertilize each other. If you have any problems with cell biology or genetics, I am always here and have taught both in the past. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Thanks geridoc! Wow, that is awesome. I really appreciate your insight. I dont want two classes to keep me from doing what i love, yah know? Thank you for offering your help.
I audited a genetics class last year, and it was far and away the most interesting class I've ever taken. I'm going to take the next course level this fall if I can fit it in. To understand genetics is to understand the future of medicine...


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid http:///t/394885/help-with-college-course-load#post_3515124
I audited a genetics class last year, and it was far and away the most interesting class I've ever taken. I'm going to take the next course level this fall if I can fit it in. To understand genetics is to understand the future of medicine...
I have to disagree - to understand genetics is to understand the future of biology (of which medicine is a subset). Genetics is one of the core areas of modern biology.


Well-Known Member
Well, i got advised. Ill sign up for courses tomorrow.
It looks like i am taking:
curriculum 2001 - observations
- plant and animal form and function
- cell biology
- genetics
- genetics lab


Well-Known Member
I have a year and a half left until I graduate!
I had one of my professors last week tell me I would be a useless Biology teacher - worthless because I don't know a single real thing about Biology. He told me that I should switch my major to straight Biology and then get a masters - and then attend the delta teach program - but that would add six more years to my graduation goal. I stood up to him - I told him that I know I will be a good Biology teacher and there wouldn't be a program at ULM for Biology Education if they don't train good teachers. I told him that I had a year and a half to graduate, and my purpose of attending college is to get a good job, sooner rather than later. I said that what would be the purpose of spending an additional four and a half years in school and that much more debt if I want to work the same job for the same amount of education I am getting now? Anyways, He's an a$$... He's the only person in the world that actually deserves cancer.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 http:///t/394885/help-with-college-course-load#post_3516344
I have a year and a half left until I graduate!
I had one of my professors last week tell me I would be a useless Biology teacher - worthless because I don't know a single real thing about Biology. He told me that I should switch my major to straight Biology and then get a masters - and then attend the delta teach program - but that would add six more years to my graduation goal. I stood up to him - I told him that I know I will be a good Biology teacher and there wouldn't be a program at ULM for Biology Education if they don't train good teachers. I told him that I had a year and a half to graduate, and my purpose of attending college is to get a good job, sooner rather than later. I said that what would be the purpose of spending an additional four and a half years in school and that much more debt if I want to work the same job for the same amount of education I am getting now? Anyways, He's an a$$... He's the only person in the world that actually deserves cancer.
how does one respond to this Lol......
I love me some good ol biology, microbiology, marine biology, female biology........ oh waite........ dang, I said that out loud huh?


Active Member
I think they need that. Unions, like the government, do as they please. As long as their getting the dues.
However, like Seth's situation with his teach, the professors and teachers know they can't be touched and do and say whatever they please. They get paid the same.
When I as in college, my professors were awesome, hard, but they all wanted us to improve and rise above the rest. That was Southern Cal and I hear they hav'ent changed a bit.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Kiefers http:///t/394885/help-with-college-course-load#post_3516405
I think they need that. Unions, like the government, do as they please. As long as their getting the dues.
However, like Seth's situation with his teach, the professors and teachers know they can't be touched and do and say whatever they please. They get paid the same.
When I as in college, my professors were awesome, hard, but they all wanted us to improve and rise above the rest. That was Southern Cal and I hear they hav'ent changed a bit.
Yep, they did away with the staff union in my moms district back in MI. There's something to be said about when someone feels so safe in their job that it gives them a reason not to care about certain things. It's a bit of a double edged sword I guess because now they can hire and fire how they please. So it's less safe. She's just trying to make it one more year till early retirement then she's outta there.


Well-Known Member
Im just trying to graduate to get a job. I dont honestly care if it is teaching or sales. I feel like a college degree will broaden my ability to get gainful employment, whereever i end up.
I think i will be a good teacher. I feel like it is my calling and if i want a job ill do what it takes to keep it.