help with condi!


ok i bought a condi yesterday and he was moving around the tank trying to find a spot he liked i saw other people say that theirs went behind the liverock where u couldnt see them but when i woke up mine was behind the lr and had all of his tenticals pulled in really tight is this bad or is he adjusting???? please help i don't want to loose him.


i checked the parameters yesterday before i went to my lfs like i always do and they were perfect. should i check them again? they couldn't change that much in less than a day could they?? hope he is still adjusting. i just checked and it looks like its shrunk a little more


welll mine be4 my sister bout and put a racoon butterfly in my tank he didnt come out for a day or soo try hand feeeding him


i think he is just still stressed from the intro...How did you aclimate him???
He should be fine, i have one and when i first introduced him he closed up and after three days was small but open, gave it a week and he was huge and dark purple. Then he moved behind some lr and well im trying to get him to move up front. I think they like dimmer lights because as i upgraded my lights he retreated to the rocks...:mad:
As for feeding mostly let him photosynthasize (sp?). every 2 weeks i give mine some krill that he eats. I also feed it hermit crab molts and he grabs some brine, mysid, krill and blood worms when i feed the fish. DONT FORCE FOOD ONTO IT UNTIL IT OPENS!!!!


i feed it freeze dried too!!! just get it to sink and gently place it in let it sit, count to three then let go of the krill and remove your hand...
You can do it


ok thankyou for the help! the lights i have on my tank are 50/50 my lfs said that they are perfect for condi's i went there today and they said the same thing about feeding it every 2 weeks.


he opened up this morning for about 2 hrs and now he's closed again. as for acclimating him i just let him temp adjust then added a cup of my tanks water and let it sit for 5 min poured out the water and put him in


I know this will sound extremely stupid... but.. if you EVER see it attach to a shell of a snail or hermit crab, take it off and put it somewhere else. Mine stuck to a hermit's shell and the hermit ran off and the anemone got caught on a rock while the hermit was runnin and tore open the anemone... freak accident maybe? not sure... just make sure it doesnt happen to u!


lol ok i'll watch out for that that would be kinda interesting if he attached to my snail considering he is a good 3 to 4 inches around and my snail is like half an inch :p thanks for the tip tho. he keeps opening for an hour or two then closes up for bout an hour


Active Member
another reason condi's do that its a way to expel waste and excess water..My FL condi, and hatian pink tip did it during acc. and do it after I feed them(12 hours after) its just a wat to expel waste...If it starts floating or goes foot up. Then you might have a problem..


oh ok i get it :) yeah he seems to be opening more but he isn't as "poofy" as when i first bought him his tentacles look kinda like a flat tire guess he is still adjusting right


How many watts of light are you directing into your tank and how large is your tank. Lighting needs to be quite powerful for these creatures. I'd say at least 4-6 watts/per gallon if you dont have this he will likely waste away(if he is not already because of this.) If your lighting is good and water parameters are good it is likely just adjusting.