Help with coral, Is it dying?


Active Member
Hello, i am concerned about my mycedium coral, it's edges apear to be retreating or peeling off. I have had it for about a month. Lighting is one 95 watt vho, and one 400 watt 10 k xm halide, it is mid way up on the rocks with very good flow across the top, the brown alage is from its old position with poor flow, there is only one polyp that comes out daily. water peramiters are good, anyone seen this befor that could help out



Active Member
A little brown alage and a few bubbles. The alage has receded since i moved it.


Active Member
mine receded when a ph died and I didnt know and had cyano on edges.I had to keep cleaning the sides and it came back

nacl freak

Lugol's is an iodine solution.take a cup full of your tank water and add lugol's till it looks like tea,then dip your coral into the solution. If the coral is diseased, this should help. It shouldn't hurt the coral to try. It might mucous up after ,but this will clear. Just a suggestion. Also you might check your Ca, Mag, and iodine.