Help with Coral


I have 5 types of coral in my tank. I have a 54 gallon bow front corner tank, with about 54 lbs of lr. I am using a fluval 404, and a cpr 2r. I have an 18" blue acnic, a 20" triton and a 20" 10k.
I added 2 leather corals on the advice from the lfs that they will survive in that setup. the devil's hand seems to be thriving. the toadstool has formed white spots and its polyps(???) no longer come out.
The only thing that does not look good with testing is the phosphates. The is testing about .3-.4.
I also just lost a turbo snail. (it was being eaten when I came home.)
any help would be appreciated.


Try placing your coral in different spots, with more water flow, less flow, more light less light. Are the coral from a good dealer?


Don't trust anyone that tells you it's O.K. to keep any corals (well maybe mushrooms) under NO lights. In the LFS they sell corals faster than they die in their low light systems. Try to find a LFS that is more knowledgable on reef tank setup and operation.


The lfs did not say it could survive in no light. they said that it could survive in lower light levels. I wll try to move the coral. But does anyone know what the white spots are?