Help With Coraline Protein Skimmer Cleaning


Hello.. I own a coraline super skimmer and I was just wondering if the long part that hangs on the outside of the aquarium will come apart to make it easy to clean out? Im talking about the long part that water swirls around in. I know that the holding cup with the red screw on ring does unscrew and comes off..Im talking that long tube part that sits there after you take the holding cup off. Does that part at all come apart inside to clean it out?? There is like blades in there that turn and I cant get my brush to clean it all.. those blades as I call them are in the way.

al mc

Active Member
Brenda...I have used the CSS...I have never found a way to be able to take that section apart. I believe that it is made not to come apart as it might leak even with the best of seals. Someone else will probably read your post that may know more than I. I have always cleaned that area with vinegar and water to the best of my ability, but never get it perfectly cleaned.