Help with correct pump please


Setting up new 75 All-Glass with over flow tank. Need thoughts on a return pump at 9 foot of head. Was thinking of the Mag 12 ??? Any Thoughts? Thanks!


Active Member
It all depends on how much flow you are wanting to get from the return. 9 feet of head is a lot not including tees and elbows which also cut down gph. A mag 12 will only put out about 650 gph MAX at 9 feet going straight up. 90 deg. elbow I think adds the equivalent of 4 feet so then you are looking at 13' of head. Mag 24 puts out about 1400gph at 9' and probably around 800 at 13'. If you use flexible tubing then the flow is greater as you eliminate the need for elbows and such. Going to be up to you on what you want to keep and if you want to use powerheads in the tank and how much your overflow can handle. Answer these 3 questions and I think we can help you better. Good luck.
PS A reef tank should have AT LEAST 10x turnover so 750gph flow in your tank. SPS requires around 20x or about 1500gph.

richard rendos

Active Member
Do you have to have a submersible return pump? The reason I ask is that external return pumps deal with head pressure better than submersibles. An Iwaki or Dolphin or Little Giant external would be a better choice for that much head pressure than any submersible. Even if the submersible can do the job, it will have to work harder and the pump will not last as long.


I'm not sure what All-Glass rate there overs flow at for a 75g. I will have to do some recearch on that. My CPR wet/dry is rated at 800 gph. This will sit under my cabinet. My plan was to run off my sump down to my basement into a 30g. refugium. The 30g sits directly below my tank up stairs and so can't just go straight up with my return. Its approx. 8 1/2 feet? Thanks!