HELP with daily red algae cycle!


New Member
Ok so here is my problem. Every day for the last month I have been waking up to live rock and sand completely carpeted in red slime algae. By 8pm everyday the algae is all gone. I have added phos-ban to the output on the protien skimmer and have been dosing the last 2 weeks with Algae Magic. What could be causing this daily cycle and what can be done about it??


New Member
The tank is a 55g reef. I am running a Fluval 405 and a Prizm protien skimmer for filtration. PH is 8.2, all my nitrates, nitrites and amonia are 0. I did lose my dragonnet about 2 months ago but the cleaner crew took care of that. As far as the stock list I have 1 flame angel, 2 blue chromis, 1 sixline, 1 bartletts anthias and a very small dejardin sailfin.