Help with DIY canopy & lights


Active Member
I'm thinking about getting a canopy built and installing a PC retro kit into it for my standard 55gal aquarium. I really like the look of this alot, and the fact that if I wanted to add MH later on I could without having to buy a whole new hood. The retro kit I was looking at was the SunPaq compack florescent Retro kit. My biggest fear of doing this is it would be to hard to do and hook up.
So my question's are:, are these easy to install? How many fans do I need? And how high off the water do PC need to be? Please :needhelp: me! Thanks in advance.


Active Member
OK, don't know the ease of installing them as I have never done so. In my experience though, most retros are relativly easy to install. Watch your wiring connections, double check everything, and test it away from your tank (in case of massive failure a big tub of water is not something to have next to it). It all depends on how comfortable you are with wiring connections and being able to read a diagram. It is not rocket science but it is more complicated than assembling a childs toy.....wait a sec....that is more complicated than rocket science.....hmmmmm

If you are thinking of upgrading to MH later, might I add a bit of advice. Go with them now. I had the same line of thought and ended up spending a lot more in the long run upgrading. Just my 2 cents worth. Two 175 bulbs would work great for your tank.
Anywhoo, PCs need to be 2-4 inches above the water surface while MH need to be 7-10" above. Keep this in mind designing a canopy that you want for future upgrades.
As for fans, install now what you will need for upgrades. You can always unplug those you don't need. Got for it least 2 (one at each end). 3 would be better (one at each end blowing in, one at the backblowing out).
Hope this helps!


Active Member
i agree with the above.
if you are thinking about mh, just do it now so you dont have to upgrade later.
in terms of your fans, use one blowing in from the side, and another blowing out from the top (remember... heat rises)


My MH's are 10" above the water and i have 3 105CFM fans. 1 on each side blowing in, and one in the top blowing out with an open back DIY canopy. NO HEAT PROBLEMS IN MY TANK AT ALL!


Active Member
Thanks alot guys! I would like to go ahead and do MH, but dont have enough $$$ right now to do so or I would. So I should put a fan at one side blowing in, and a fan on the top blowing out. Does anyone have any suggestions on fan brands? I think the set I'm looking at you dont have to wire or anything. :thinking: You just screw it in, put the bulbs in and plug it in. Should I get a probe?


i just did exactly what you are talking about on one of my smaller tanks. i built my own canopy and installed diy sunpaq 260watts pc lighting w/ 2 fans on my 29g. i have never used sunpaq before and i couldnt be happier. great product. any questions just ask.


Active Member
Thanks!! Thats the one like I was looking at for my 55gal. Was it easy to install? What kind of fans did you use with it?


it was very easy to install. i just used 2 computer fans i had laying around and wired switches into them. i made my canopy an open back and just mounted the fans to the back. one pulling in air one pushing out air.


no i dont use anything but eggcrate on the top just to keep fish from jumping out. i have the lights about 7 inches off the water so nothing really splashes on them. just once a week before i turn the lights on i wipe the salt creep off the bulbs, and that is a very small amount.


Active Member
I found a 4in Cooling fan on a website (Dr...) for $30. Do yall think this would be a good deal? Also are they hard to install? Do you run them all the time?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ballyhoo
you could probably pick one up at Radio Shack for cheaper. :notsure:
Are you serious? Are they easy to install?