Help with featherduster


are they dying or just shedding thier feathers? is there anything in your tank that might be picking on them? what if anything are you feeding them with?
I hear that sometimes they shed thier feathers and will grow them back later. mine just won't stay still :(


I am having a problem keeping my featherdusters alive. One has already died :-( and I fear the other one is on the way out. What am I doing wrong? Amonia, Nitrites and Nitrates are good they were a little high after 1st one died cause I did not know she was dead and left her in tank. Did a water change and treatment. Water was stable now 2 weeks later the 2nd one is dying! HELP!
The only supplements I put in was liquid Calcium and that was not until today. I acc. them for 1 hour just as the said to. I used some Amquel when I did water change. Feed fish (3 damsels) brine shrimp and feed staarfish (serpent and sand) clams. I have live rock in the tank along with soome polyps and mushrooms (the mushrooms have looked a little shrunken (if the is a word).


Have you ever used any kind of copper in the tank? Feather dusters are super sensitive to copper and many medications for tanks contain copper.


No no copper
But thanks
The first duster De-Crowned and then died
The second one looks like someone is eating the crown, but the fish stay away from it---Can they eat their own crown?:confused: