help with filter please.


As you guys know from previous post, I still have a long way too go with my set up.
My next upgrade has me puzzled, Im still using the power filter that came with the tank from wal-mart.:D
I dont have enough room for wet dry or sump filters on my 29gal , so is canister the only route left for me or am I over looking some really good options?
Any suggestions?
Also looking at skimmers, or filter/ skimmer combos?
Thanks in advance


Active Member
What will you be keeping? You might be able to keep your current filter and add a protein skimmer for filtration. Will you have any LR, if so then the LR will take care of the bio-filtration and a good protein skimmer can do the mechanical filtration IMO. HTH


yes lots of live rock, unfortunatly this filter isnt doing so good it is my guess that it was the reason for the last of my fish dying.
Right now I am just keeping fish, when Ive masterd that ,
I'll do a light upgrade and try some mushrooms or zoos maybe.
so your saying that I can buy a better power filter (or top flow)
and add a skimmer and be okay?


Active Member
I agree, I ran my tank with a power filter (took everything out of it though and ran carbon and phophate sponge occasionally) and had a good skimmer. You may want to add a refugium with macro algae eventually they really do help with nutrient export and are very easy and inexpensive to set up.


Well-Known Member
You also might look into plant life. I don't trust LR to provide enough Plant life to balance out and complete the nitrogen cycle. When I added mocros all the sudden my ph came up, the ugly algaes were controlled, and the fish were much better.



Originally posted by Birdy
I agree, I ran my tank with a power filter (took everything out of it though and ran carbon and phophate sponge occasionally) and had a good skimmer. You may want to add a refugium with macro algae eventually they really do help with nutrient export and are very easy and inexpensive to set up.

Ive read quite a bit about refugiums and would love to try one in the future. But Im afraid Im not advanced enough to put it together and make it work.:notsure:
And when you say macro algae, is this something that I already have in my tank? or is it something I need to look into buying?



Originally posted by beaslbob
You also might look into plant life. I don't trust LR to provide enough Plant life to balance out and complete the nitrogen cycle. When I added mocros all the sudden my ph came up, the ugly algaes were controlled, and the fish were much better.

Ive read that saltwater plants can be hard to keep, but Id like to try.
Im not sure my lighting is strong enough for plant life?


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by khourglass
Ive read that saltwater plants can be hard to keep, but Id like to try.
Im not sure my lighting is strong enough for plant life?

Of course SWF does have shaving brushes to that is an option.
most plants are actually macro algaes. There are generally extremely easy to keep and almost all only require normal lighting. email me and I'll give you a link for more detailed information


Active Member
A refugium is super easy to set up. All you need is a rubbermaid container with some sand some LR rubble and some macro algae. To get the water to the fuge, you need an overflow, then you run the water to the fuge, then you can use a powerhead to pull the water back up to your tank. Macro's grow with just regular NO light. I would HIGHLY recommend you NOT put Macro Algae in your Display tank, they are like weeds and will take over your tank, they are very hard to get rid of once they are in your tank. Look some more into a refugium you will never regret it.


My tank is only a 29 gal not drilled, Ive been reading about the hang on types of fuges in in out of tank , and considerd which one would work best for my tank?
I have some plant growth on my live rock, but not sure it is the same as you are refering too. If so this would probably be the rock to move to the fuge?
The equipment set up for this sounds really difficult though, ya think I could be pushing it to try so soon?


Active Member
I think with a 29gal one of those hang on fuges is an excellent choice, they are really very simple. Just keep in mind this is not something you have to have right away. If you have a live sandbed and at least 1.5 lbs of LR per gallon and a skimmer then that is all the filtration you have to have (plus a couple of powerheads for circulation) a good start. Later down the road when you feel more comfortable you can add a refugium. If you have some LR with plants growing on it just keep an eye on them if they seem to start growing like crazy keep them trimmed back.
Do an internet search for CPR Aquafuge, get the largest one that would fit on your tank.


so I can add powerheads and a skimmer, and skip the power, or canister filter all together?
and add a fuge later.
what about diatom filters, do you run these alone or with power filters?


Active Member
As long as you have enough LS and LR you can run the tank with powerheads and a skimmer. The advantage of having the power filter is that you can run carbon in it if you need too. It is not going to do any harm to have a canister filter I just don't know how much good it is going to do you, it is just another thing to clean out IMO. I would definetly do more research on a refugium and incorporate on eventually. I also suggest that you get a good skimmer, for a 29gal look at the CPR bak-pak's or the aquaC remora. Don't skimp on this, you will end up regretting it and spending more money because you will have to buy a good one after the crappy one you bought craps out on you.


Active Member
About the diatom filter, I don't really know a whole lot about them but I don't think they are necessary.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by khourglass
so I can add powerheads and a skimmer, and skip the power, or canister filter all together?
and add a fuge later.
what about diatom filters, do you run these alone or with power filters?

Diatomous earth filters are really good about cleaning up a cloudy tank very rapidly. But other than that I would not recommend.
I do use a HOB type filter on my 55g but do not and do not recommend a skimmer or canister. It is just plain overkill for a 29g.
a powerhead to circulate the water, a simple filter, and plants are all you need. I recommend you add the plants first. that way they get ahead and hopefully stay ahead of all the ugly algaes.



Originally posted by beaslbob
Diatomous earth filters are really good about cleaning up a cloudy tank very rapidly. But other than that I would not recommend.
I do use a HOB type filter on my 55g but do not and do not recommend a skimmer or canister. It is just plain overkill for a 29g.
a powerhead to circulate the water, a simple filter, and plants are all you need. I recommend you add the plants first. that way they get ahead and hopefully stay ahead of all the ugly algaes.

so I add the plants inside the tank, add a new power filter, and how many power heads?
any suggestions on the power filter ( brand, model,ect...?
oh what type of plants should I start with?