Help with fish?


Hi guys,
I always thought my fishy acted weird, he would rub up against a he had a nose itch, or would brush up against the sandbed...and while my other perc rarely sleeps on the sandbed nowadays (or don't see him sleep on it as often anymore)...this other one seems to sleep on the sand bed more often...and seems to be breathing heavier than my other perc.
This perc I speak of seems to be getting slightly lighter and lighter--on some lights I can see that it has a very light white coating on it--but sometimes it's very hard to see and I begin doubting myself but when I came home today it was certainly a lot more visible up until I placed him in the observation container...or could this just be the way the light is reflecting his skin???
I pulled him out for now and was going to bring him to my LFS tomorrow. I placed him in an observation container hanging inside my tank with a little bubbly hose for his oxygen. I also noticed that his stomach has a little dent on it--like a little this bad???
He seems perfectly healthy otherwise, he's active and he eats well.
He doesn't have any visible white spots or real white areas...since this is my first tank I thought I'd be careful than sorry. Help!


Active Member
Sometimes when Percs get lighter in color it could be under nourished. Even though he's eating well is he eating food that supplies the proper nourishment?
The thing that worries me is the white coating you speak of.
If anybody can answer this question, it would be Bang Guy.


Staff member
How long have you had these fish? What are you feeding them? More info about the tank and fish needed. See the FAQ Thread at the top of the Forum for info on How To Post in this Forum.