Help with fish?


I purchased two fish yesterday both were listed in the tank as assorted damsels.
The one is a purple chromis but the other one I have no idea. It has a long body like
an African ciclid it is purple with some yellow on the tail. Extremely aggresive. About 1 1/2 inches long. Don't have a photo to post yet. Any guess of what it could be. I have 3 yellow tail damsels so I know it's not one of those. Thanks.


Active Member
there is a yellow tail damsel, and then there is a blue damsel that has a yellow tail. the blue w/ yellow tail has more yellow on the bottom fins whereas the yellowtail only has yellow on the tail. they both can be aggresive, but the blue w/ yellow tail can be extremely aggresive. chromis are very peaceful, so it may not be a good mix.


It doesn't look anything like the other blue damsel I have...weird. Purple color on the body, can't remember if there is yellow on the lower fins. I'm going to call my lfs later today when they open.


Active Member
Your probly like my dad he though the ones I bought were purple and under extreme antinic lights they do but my tank has 2 daylights and 2 antinics and he is def blue lol. I have never seen a purple chromis either.