Help with frogspawn


Active Member
I have a frogspawn coral with 4 stalks that I have had awhile for some reason 2 stalks have not opened the past 2 days but you can tell they're alive
the other 2 look great along w/ other corals and fish
why could this be...? all the sudden?
no changes and water is good.


Active Member
possibly a fish picking on them? did you change the flow? add a powerhead or move one around? new lighting?


Active Member
i did add a new fish a 10 days ago... did not notice any picking...
no new lighting or change of powerheads...
will they die???


Active Member
its possible they could die. give them a few days and hopefully they'll bounce back.


Active Member
Give it time, sometimes a stalk dies, but even the what looks dead it may return... Here is a shot of what I thought was dead from a long time ago on a little piece in my "bone pile" of coral stalks in the corner of my tank. Now here is a tiny baby Frog growing , now in the front!!!!!
.... Warren


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mach03InFront
hey big neat feather duster
Thanks the wife picked him out, opens all the time even after our DBG moves or covers him up.
And that happens often!!


New Member
I raise, culture and sell frogspawn. I've had the same colonies for nearly 12 years, so I can probably give yo usome advice. First a couple questions:
1. Where is the coral placed in the tank in relationship to the lights? Specificaly, are the heads that are not opening on the bottom?
2. Frogspawn heads can easily be damaged when opened, so has the coral been cut or damaged in any way while it was opened? This would include the new fish or any other fish picking on it? So, what fish do you have? There are times when it takes fish a few days to figure out how to pick at a coral without getting 'stung.'
3. Is your temperature spiking during the day with the lights on?
4. Are the closed up heads white showing pure skeleton, or just the flesh not opening. A picture would go a long way to a diagnosis.
Let's start with those questions to assess. Regarding 'will it die?' Well, it could, but Frogspawn are pretty forgiving once established. The primary concern is that you do not have RTN (rapid tissue necrosis) on the coral, which can indeed spread from head to head and rapidly kill the entire coral within a few days. If there is any sign of flesh on the closed skeleton, then it is still technically alive.
Best of luck and God bless.....


Active Member
1. It is on the rock in the middle level of the tank closer to top than bottom. Well I have one on bottom and one on top not opening. Both on same side
Like this
Closed Open
Closed Open
2. I did add new fish 2 weeks ago but the corals seemed fine until 4 days ago. I added a royal gramma and a tiny blue hippo
3. My temp swings from 79-82
4. No you can see flesh not opening... they are open a tiny bit.
Thanks for everything! I think its looking better not worse.