help with FW topoff


i am realizing that there is never enough to learn about maintaining a SW reef tank. recently, i have had an enormous algae bloom and have learned that a big component of that is phosphates...among other things haha but heres my dilema:
being summer...i must keep a fan on my tank to maintain the right temperature. the fan has been evaporating a ton of water from my 24g nano. in the past i have just added tap water to get salinity levels back in range but the phosphates from the tap water is why i have the algae problem.
what is the best way to get good freshwater without spending a bunch of money?? Can i buy a couple gallons from the LFS and store it?? Will the fresh water go bad like salt water losing its pH?? Is bottled water a viable option or is that just as bad as tap water??
any suggestion would tremendously help me to get my tank back on track


Active Member
You can get a plain RO filtration system fairly cheaply on line (I would go online over the ones in stores as I think most of the time you get a better product and price).
You might spend 60-80 bucks but in the long run it'll be a lot less hassle and pay off in the end.
I'd go an extra 30-50 bucks and get the RO/DI unit though.


Active Member
Phos/Carbon reactor for about $60 at bulk reef.
Turf/Algae scrubber for about $30 in parts you can pick up at home depot.
Emerald crabs are pretty good algae eaters. Or snails if you got it on the glass.


Active Member
But the best solution is deffinatly the RO-DI unit. I payed $99 for mine. gotit on theebay. 0ppm money back garurontee


Active Member
Back about 3 years ago when I didn't have an ro/di unit yet. I used RO driking water from walmart. It's pretty cheap but I rather pay like $150 one time for a ro/di unit and not have to lug around gallons and gallons every week.


Active Member
You're also assuming their filters are clean at walmart -- not saying they aren't but no way to tell for sure without testing.


Well-Known Member

Wal-mart sells RO (reverse osmoses) water in 5g jugs for $ have to purchase the jug for $ can refill anytime for the $1.65 with a small tank like yours, that would be the way I would go.


Active Member
ro/di unit is the best. if not, try the tap water filter for $40, which hooks up to ur faucet. the tap water filter for fish is sold under many fishstore web sites.


Active Member
What are you using to make your SW?
If you are buying it...
Then it is definitely cheaper to get an RO/DI over the long run. Otherwise, yes, you can get a 5g bucket and store it with a tight lid. Or you can buy it from the store (buy RO/DI not mineral or spring water). I do not recommend a tap water filter alone, personally.