help with getting new stuff mushrooms


Ok, heres what I have. set my tank up 8 months ago.
29 gal. 35# lr. ordered protein skimmer should be here any day now.
the lunar lighting. live sand.
maroon clown
purple damsel
diamond goby
red lip blennie
2 camel shrimp
snails, crabs.
4 mushrooms
what else can I put in this tank. I like color and am hoping that I can get some kind of corals or something.


Active Member
a scooter blennie? have you gotten him to eat prepared foods?
camle shrimp have been known to eat corals and such, have you noticed anything with them to your mushrooms?
i suggest some zoos. They are easy, some are beutiful, and most types need jsut as little light as mushrooms.
but how many watts of lighting do you have? PC right?
and how are your levels? 4 fish in a 29 is pretty good and the diamond will get about 5 inches while the moroon will get 6 inches. A good amount of fish there.
but i have a 29 too, so can i see a pic? i like to see other 29s :)


Active Member
Well depending on what type of lighting you have...Zoanthids are always nice. I would recommend at least power compact (PC) lighting if you don't already have it. Is "lunar lighting" all you have? Do you have a full fixture of any type?


I have good lighting. I told the my fish store that I wanted a reef tank and he got me the light fixture that I have. He seemed to know about reef tanks.
It's black and has 4 tubes. I turn on in the morning just the blue lights, after about 30 min. I turn on the bright light. same at night. turn off the bright light then later I turn off the blue light. then it has the moon light.
My shrimp don't bother the mushrooms at all. I can't send a picture tonight. I don't know how. I will have my daughter send one tomorrow night. I also have a 55 gal. I just have the regular light fixture on it. I haven't bought the good lighting so I just have a few fish and a lot of lr. I will send a picture of it also.
My water is good except the nitrate is 80 that's why I ordered the protein skimmers.
after I get that down I want to start putting color in my tank.


Originally Posted by fishieness
a scooter blennie? have you gotten him to eat prepared foods?
camle shrimp have been known to eat corals and such, have you noticed anything with them to your mushrooms?
i suggest some zoos. They are easy, some are beutiful, and most types need jsut as little light as mushrooms.
but how many watts of lighting do you have? PC right?
and how are your levels? 4 fish in a 29 is pretty good and the diamond will get about 5 inches while the moroon will get 6 inches. A good amount of fish there.
but i have a 29 too, so can i see a pic? i like to see other 29s :)
what do you have in your 29 gal.


Originally Posted by fishieness
a scooter blennie? have you gotten him to eat prepared foods?
camle shrimp have been known to eat corals and such, have you noticed anything with them to your mushrooms?
i suggest some zoos. They are easy, some are beutiful, and most types need jsut as little light as mushrooms.
but how many watts of lighting do you have? PC right?
and how are your levels? 4 fish in a 29 is pretty good and the diamond will get about 5 inches while the moroon will get 6 inches. A good amount of fish there.
but i have a 29 too, so can i see a pic? i like to see other 29s :)
My redlip blennie eats everything. frozen brine shrimp and flake food.


Active Member
Whoa. Nitrates of 80 is HIGH. I'd say you need some frequent small water changes. with the lights you have, it sounds like you could probably keep most soft corals. If you want color, I'd still say go with zoanthids.


Active Member
in my 29 i just have live rock (need more), a valentini puffer, a baby snowflake eel (who will soon go to my 40 gallon), and a diamond is an eclipse system so i do not have the lighting for corals like i do in my 40 gallon.
i say you def need to get the trates down with water changes. some macro algae such as cheato or calpurta will also help.


Originally Posted by fishieness
in my 29 i just have live rock (need more), a valentini puffer, a baby snowflake eel (who will soon go to my 40 gallon), and a diamond is an eclipse system so i do not have the lighting for corals like i do in my 40 gallon.
i say you def need to get the trates down with water changes. some macro algae such as cheato or calpurta will also help.
what is macro algae? where do I get this cheato or calpurta, I did a water change fri. and I'm going to do one today. When I put the protein skimmers on will that help?


Active Member
With a couple good water changes and the addition of the skimmer your nitrates will hopefully go down. I also have a 29 gallon..........just thought I would throw that in.
I was also going to say zoos, you can get some fabulous colors in those babies. Maybe a colt coral? They seem pretty vibrant, I almost purchased one from this site last week. I went with a toadstool leather instead on the off chance my two banded clown wanted to host something. You have some great fish in your set-up........would LOVE to see some pics!!


Active Member
i agree that your skimmer will help. Macro algae are types of plants. you can buy them on different online sites and your LFS might sell some. Just ask there for some different types. it is not expensive and will grow qui8ckly. Most people put it in their sumjp or refugium, but if you do not have one, you can put in in a corner of your tank or something. It will feed off of nitrates.