help with hex tank substrate


New Member
i need help with my 10 gallon hex tank. all of the rubbish builds up on the bottom of the tank and i need help with how to prevent this in the first place. the filter does not stir up the rubbish so it just build up. please help.


Originally Posted by Sugoi808
i need help with my 10 gallon hex tank. all of the rubbish builds up on the bottom of the tank and i need help with how to prevent this in the first place. the filter does not stir up the rubbish so it just build up. please help.
Crushed coral or sand?


Originally Posted by Sugoi808
really coarse sand, or yeah i guess crushed coral
tank is about 19-20" high
That leaves out nassarius snails. Any room for a tiny powerhead to put a little flow across the bottom? Much room to put a small sponge on the intake of filter?


New Member
i already got the powerhead in at the bottom of the tank circulating water.
what was the other part of your reply? what will the sponge do?


Active Member
what kind of "rubbish" is building up? If it's algae, then you'll need to figure out why it's growing in the first place. If it's food or fish waste or something like that, then you'll want to cut back on your feedings.
Figure out why it's there and "cure" it... don't just put a bandaid over an existing problem.


Originally Posted by Sugoi808
i already got the powerhead in at the bottom of the tank circulating water.
what was the other part of your reply? what will the sponge do?
If its just debree not algae the powerhead, in theory, help kick it up off the substrate and a sponge on the intake would help mechanically filter it out. Sorta what i do on my 5 gal hex, except I don't have anything other than the stock top filter for flow. As jacksonpt said try adjusting your feedings first though (if you have not already)