Help with hypo and quarantine

Any help greatly appreciated!
I have a 40 gallon tank with two clowns (about 5 weeks) and just added 3 chromis yesterday (2 died, from LFS). I know, stupid, but ...
Just added the Chromis yesterday, and this a.m. one of the clowns has a few white spots - probably ich. Yes, I know, QT - whacking myself over the head. However, what's the best thing now to help?
If I catch it this early can I save the fish from my being stupid?
I don't have a QT, but I have a 10 gallon I mix seawater in for my main tank that I could use.
Should I put all three fish in? Or just the one that has spots?
I don't have the right refractometer - can I start with the swing arm type and gradually bring the salinity down until I get to the store? Obviously, it's not a cycled QT.
WHat would be best? Leave the fish in the main tank and cycle the QT? Or put them in an uncycled QT, and watch the water quality?
I know you guys are probably very frustrated with us newbies and the dumb mistakes we make, but still help would be appreciated ... Thanks!


All three fish should br QT, and the display tank should be fishless for at least 30 days. I would not use anything else than a refractometer to do Hypo, I think you would be wasting your time with a swing arm.


Staff member
What type tank do you have? If it is strictly FO, meaning no LR or inverts, then you can perform hyposalinity right in the display wo any problem.