Help With Hypo


Hey I need some assistance with my hypo treatment. I have just started today with water from my main tank and have not yet started to decrease the salinity. Can anyone give me some pointers that they found useful or any precautions that I should know about. How successful is hypo anyway? Is decreasing the salinity over 48 hours too fast? Can any one tell me exactly what you did?


Staff member
Are you just setting up a new QT? How many fish are you treating? What is the size of the QT?
Hypo is only effective in treating ich. Take a look at the FAQ Thread and the posts there on hyposalinity and ich.


Its a bit small but its all i've got.
The QT tank is 40 gal and is stocked with
2fire fish
3 green chromis
1 one inch blue tang (it was a good deal)
flame angel
2percula clown
2 lyretain antias
This is a bit much but I'm checking everything twice a day (NH4 NH3 ect)
There are a lot of pvc pipes for hiding.
A 200 watt heater
Fluval 304
glass hydrometer


I've read what hypo is at the top of the mpage but can anyone give me any personal tips, cautions, experiences, effectivemess, ect.


I've used the info Beth posted and have had great results. I have saved several fish that have had severe ich. Hypo is tremendous but I would use a refractometer to get it to 1.009. I just siphon water out and replace with fresh water until I reach the 1.009. For my 10 gallon I usually prepare two gallons and drain 2 gallons a day. It usually takes three days to reach hypo.( 6 gallons for me) Then I just do water changes when nitrates get high. I hope that helps