help with inverts


New Member
I just had delivered some hermit crabs, snails, serpent starfish, pencil urchins and sallylightfoot crabs. My problem is I have a greenbird wrasse about 6inches long or so.
I have since read that the wrasse eats inverts for dinner. I have a 75 gallon tank.
Any advice?


Active Member
ugh, wtb "some hermit crabs, snails, serpent starfish, pencil urchins and sallylightfoot crabs."


Active Member
Always research before buying something. I don't really think their is much that you can do.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jd7128
Man, that was alot of help

well, honestly... there's not much more help than trying to take the stuff off your hands that many will be able to offer...research is key


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
well, honestly... there's not much more help than trying to take the stuff off your hands that many will be able to offer...research is key
