help with inverts


So I think my next order from SWF is going to consist of mostly inverts.... more crabs than anything, but I have a few questions. I have a 35 g hexagon tank that has been up and running well for about 8 months. I have 2 emerald crabs, a coral banded shrimp, multiple kinds of snails, and a few hermit crabs.
1. Can I get any other shrimp that will be peaceful with my coral banded? I purchased a cleaner shrimp at the same time, but he was killed the first night in the tank.

2. Are there certain types of crabs that dont get a long? I would like to add 2 or 3 different kinds to the tank.
3. Are there certain inverts (crabs) I should stay away from since I have coral (mushrooms, zoos etc... mostly soft coral)


Sounds like we have the same type of setup my friend. It will be hard to add anything with that banded shrimp in there. I have the same inverts as you, except I have two skunk cleaners instead of the banded shrimp. I also have about 5 conch, and two pom pom crabs. There's always the option of getting a pistol shrimp or urchin. But make sure you read up on them and make sure your tank will accomidate them. Most people with corals will say any type of crab is bad in a reef tank. So far I haven't had any problems except for the hermits walking over my GSP.