HELP with light times


New Member
hello,i have a 30 gal 36"x18" with 2 55 watt pc (in 1 strip) and 1 coralife 10000k and 1 triton flor. both 30w(in 1 strip).what im trying to find out is how long to leave the pcs on?i have been getting really bad red alage on the bottom.i was keeping both strips on for 10 hrs but have cut the pcs down to 5 hrs yesterday will this help me or not.all the lights were new 5 months ago.i have about 10 corals in the tank and all are doing fine.but the red alage,man it drives me nuts.i have 2-rose anemone,open green brain coral,toadstool,a rock full of christmas tree worms,2 small frags of somekind of leather,lots of polops,starburst,and some other brain with 10 frags on it.about 30lbs of live rock.yellow tang,tomoto clown,6 lined wrass,bi color blenny,royal gramma and 3 snails.the tank has been set up for about 4 months.i put the pcs on about a month ago,thats when the alage started.i had 4 powerheads in the tank til last week when i changed the tank around.can some help please?thanks,tim


Active Member
The algae might be a flow issue. What kind of filtration do you use? What are your tank specs...nitrates,sandbed,LR,etc.? As for lighting, what spectrum PCs? I'd probably run the 30W'ers for 12 hrs. and the PCs for 10 hrs. But can't really help you without more information. A refugium might help with the algae, too.