Help with Mg..... Please!!!


I have been having a PH and Mg problem in my 39 gallon reef tank for a couple of months now and have been dosing Kent Mg crystals and Seachem Calcium Complete to try and get it and my PH back in line.
Two weeks ago I thought I had everything under control when I got the Mg up to 1350, PH was 8.0, Ca was 400 and dKH was 11.

Then, this afternoon I tested the tank again and here is what I got.....

Temp: 78
S.G: 1.024
Salt: 33ppm
PH: 7.7

dKH: 9.5
CA: 430
Mg: 1110

Ammonia: 0
Trates: 12.5
PO4= 0
Most of the test were done using Salifert test, but PH, KH and NO4 which were done using TETRA test! I also did a water change two days ago using Marine Mix salt.
Should I keep dosing Mg and CA to try and get them up or what???